Learning Enhancement

The College recognises the diverse learning needs of our school community and continue to explore and implement supportive structures to assist students with additional learning needs as well as others requiring extension and enrichment. The Learning Enhancement Faculty work with all teachers to develop programs that assist the students with additional learning needs. This is done in an inclusive and supportive environment. The curriculum, class structures and timetable is designed to support all learners. 

For students requiring extension and enrichment the College offers a diverse formal curriculum and co curriculum program with academic rigour. 

Life Skills Curriculum

Stage 6 Life Skills courses provide options for students with special needs who are unable to access regular course outcomes, particularly students with an intellectual disability

The Stage 6 Life Skills courses can be undertaken in combination with other Board Developed and/or Board Endorsed Courses to meet the requirements for the award of the Higher School Certificate. Stage 6 Life Skills courses have Board Developed status. Each Stage 6 Life Skills course comprises a 2-unit 120-hour Preliminary course and a 2-unit 120-hour HSC course, with the exception of Studies of Religion I Life Skills, which is a 1-unit course (60 hours).

The College may  design a Life Skills course as a School Developed Board Endorsed Course to meet the needs of particular students. 

As with the study of all Board Developed Courses, exclusions apply to the study of Life Skills courses such that students may not study more than one 240-hour course in the same subject. For example, a student cannot include both English (Standard) and English Life Skills in the pattern of study for the award of the Higher School Certificate.

LEC Coordinator:
Mrs Jacqueline Benney

Please contact Mrs Benney to make an appointment to discuss the needs of your daughter for entry to 2024 Year 11 Life Skills Courses