Year 11 2025

Year 10 Subject Selection

2025 Preliminary Higher School Certificate
Course Information and Selection

Year 10 are about to commence a very exciting and challenging stage in their education. As the pathways ahead of you are varied, you are asked to make important decisions about the one you choose for the next two years. It is time to think about the courses you want to study, to consider the careers that interest you and to seek advice from your teachers and parents. It is also the time to make a commitment to life at the College for the next two years. As seniors you will hold a new role, which brings both privileges and responsibilities. We urge you to involve yourself in what the College offers and pursue excellence in everything you undertake.

Mary Leask
College Principal

What are my Career Options?

The importance of having career goals

You can change your mind, but it is important to know what you want and be committed to doing whatever it takes to get there. You need a definite purpose or target, or how do you know if you are on track?

A career aim:

1. Gives you a sense of certainty about the future.

3. Allows you to make future plans.

4. Gives you a target score to aim at.

These are important for Year 10 Subject Selection. 

How to research career options

Read. The following resources are very helpful.

Whatever the decision you make, you can always change it. Do not feel as though you are locked in. If you know your options well enough, a change of mind can be quite easily accommodated because you’ll know what you need to do to pursue that new avenue.

Time to choose a pattern of senior study to suit you

St Patrick’s College is proud to work with Year 10 students in designing a program of senior secondary study through holistic education in the Good Samaritan Tradition. This microsite aims to support students in their selection of Preliminary courses for commencement in Year 11 2025. 

Pathways to University

If university is part of your career plan, there are many ways forward.  The ATAR  is used by universities to help them select students for their courses.  In addition, an increasing number of students are using the Certificate IV at TAFE as a pathway to university. Portfolio Entry, Auditions and University Preparation Courses can also be alternative pathways to University.  Follow this link to further information on ATARs and University entry.

University is not the only way

In industries like hospitality, health  and IT, there are other pathways open to students. There are some excellent colleges that offer very good courses, and some will even help you to find a job once you graduate. This does not mean that University is not the way to go, it is simply not the ONLY way to go. Do your research thoroughly.


A TAFE (TVET) or other Externally Delivered Vocational Education and Training (EVET) course enables a head start on a career, while  School Based Apprenticeships and Traineeships (SBATs) combine paid work, training and school. They are available to all Year 10, 11 and 12 high school students. Follow this link for further information on TVET and SBATs

Key Learning Areas -
Course Descriptions

Year 11 Subject Application Processes

The Stage 6 Course Application Process begins in Term 2 for Year 10 students. Students, parents, and carers are offered subject specific information in Term 2 in preparation for the 2025 Stage 6 program of study. Alongside this program, students have a number of Careers lessons to support them.


Non-KLA contacts related to the Course Application Process:

Assistant Principal, Learning and Teaching: Dr Debra Bourne -

Careers & Pathways Adviser: Mrs Claire McGillicuddy -

Learning Enhancement Coordinator: Mrs Jacqueline Benney-